International Canoe Federation Real Federación Española de Piragüismo ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships 2009 - Home
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Buy tickets spectators for competitions


Refer.   (optional, your reference)
day competition price per day N� tickets       ï¿½
10.09.09Heats C2 and K1 W10 €
11.09.09Heats C1 and K1 M10 €
12.09.09Team events
Heat and finals
15 €
13.09.09Semi-finals and finals of
all individual categories
15 €
ALL DAYSAll competitions all days30 €
Under 12 years old free entrance

Please, you can collect the ticket(s) with receipt of payment in the ticket office of the Parc Ol�mpic del Segre, from:
10th of September at 10 a.m. and every day 1 hour before the competition
Consejo Superior de Deportes Consell Català de l'Esport - Generalitat de Catalunya Diputació de Lleida Ajuntament de la Seu d'Urgell Federació Catalana de Piragüisme Copyright Federaci�n Espa�ola de Pirag�ismo 2008/2009