The historic city of La Seu d�Urgell, on the Catalan Pyrenees, has a tradition of over 40 years organizing whitewater canoe competition events. The Olympic games of Barcelona 1992 was a landmark on this support of canoe slalom. Later those memorable days, that permitted slalom to be accepted on the Olympic programme, several World Cup events and the World Championships 1999 endorse the facilities on Parc Ol�mpic del Segre and the organizing team. | |
The World Championships 2009, to be held from 9 to 13 September, are a new
opportunity to give service to the slalom canoe family. The challenge aims to improve technology on sport competitions, presence on media (especially TV), worldwide promotion of canoe slalom through the participation over 60 national teams, and spread tourism in La Seu d�Urgell. The history on the old town, the mountain valley around Cad�-Moixer� Natural Park, and the local dedication to sport should be knowns. In addition this occasion will keep active and financially healthy the Olympic facility of Park del Segre. The first step was the Pre-worlds events on July 2008. On 2009 there is a schedule of training camps and, in September an intensive week of competition. The World championships are possible thanks to the support of institutions and sponsorships. On behalf of the organizing Committee we thank their help. We trust on the contribution of the participant teams and we are ready to work for a fair competition and a happy stay in our country. On behalf of ICF, RFEP, FCP and the Organizing Committee, welcome to the World Championships 2009. |