International Canoe Federation Real Federación Española de Piragüismo ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships 2009 - Home
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What's Slalom
Canoe Slalom

What is Canoe Slalom?
It is an Olympic sport that is held on rivers or on artificial white water courses.
The aim of the athlete is to complete a designated course, passing through numbered gates, without penalties and in the shortest time possible.

What is designated course?
The course that the athletes must negotiate is 250-400 meters long.

What are the numbered gates?
The gates consist of one or two suspended poles painted with green and white rings for downstream gates and red and white rings for upstream gates.
The number of gates in a course can vary from 18 to 25
When gates are green and white, the athletes have to pass them in the direction of current (downstream).
When gates are red and white, athletes have to pass them in the opposite direction to that of the current (upstream).
What is meant by? "passing through numbered gates without penalties".
The athlete must pass through all the gates one by one in the order they are numbered, without touching them.
When an athlete touches a gate (with a boat, paddle or body) he/she receives a 2 seconds penalty is received (2 penalty points).
For the gates that the athlete fail or misses to pass, a 50 seconds penalty is received (50 penalty points).
The result is best time run plus penalty seconds.

What is a canoe slalom race?
Slalom competition consist of heats with 2 runs, the better score of the two runs will count.
From the results of the heats those that finish in the top 20 boats will progress to the semi-final.
From the results of this run those that finish in the top 10 boats will progress to the final.
The winner is the athlete with the smallest results in the final.

Which are the canoe slalom boats?
  • Single and double canoe (C1-C2)
    The athlete kneels in the boat and use a single blade

  • Kayak individual (K1)
    The athlete is seated and used a double bladed.

What are the categories of canoe slalom?
The Olympic categories are:
  • Men's single kayak - K1
  • Men's single canoe - C1
  • Men's double canoe - C2
  • Women's single kayak - K1W
  • Women's single canoe - C1W

Consejo Superior de Deportes Consell Català de l'Esport - Generalitat de Catalunya Diputació de Lleida Ajuntament de la Seu d'Urgell Federació Catalana de Piragüisme Copyright Federaci�n Espa�ola de Pirag�ismo 2010