International Canoe Federation Real Federación Española de Piragüismo ICF Canoe Slalom World Championships 2009 - Home
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Video tracking

Aim of our automatic Timing and Video Tracking system is to provide split times and video of each boat that can be used by coaches and athletes for technical analysis.

10 antenas are fitted along the length of the canal: one on the start line, 8 intermediate and one on the finish line. Additionally, 10 video cameras with a zoom function and remote control are set up along the course. Each video camera�s field of view can be adjusted by a controller according to the training/competition course design and the paddlers movement.

The paddler wears an electronic chip within his/her bib. When the paddler with his/her chip approaches an antenna (start, intermediate, finish), it will be identified and will then activate:
   a) Timing control
   b) Video camera

This procedure is repeated at each of the antennas.

There is a file/table of intermediate (split) timing and total timing of each boat�s run.

When the last antenna is crossed all timing details and the full video is automatically available. The video tracking is edited when the finish line is crossed or within 2 minutes of passing the last antenna.

The video file and split information is accessible on our wireless network (for each team with a password provided by Parc del Segre) within the slalom course area. Coaches can watch the information and download it for further analysis.

The system will be used as ICF video feed during the 2010 Canoe Slalom World Cup.

In addition to wireless distribution, the video signal will be distributed by cable to all teams in the video room.

The Chief Judge will have access to the competition analysis through
   1/ Official ICF video tracking of every athlete (via bib number)
   2/ Feed of all cameras not included on the video tracking
   3/ Images of 3 complementary cameras.

During the race, video control will be situated on the finish line next to the timing hut.
Connectors for cable access should be BNC male or alternatively RCA male (see pics below).

connector BNC male

connectors RCA male

connector RJ45
Main advantages of this system are:
   - Operational fully automatic - no operator needed.
   - Reliable � live feed for all athletes.
   - Accessible for computers via wireless or cable.
   - Available on PC or McIntosh.
   - Accuracy 1/100 of a second.
   - Storage of images of all cameras at all time.
Consejo Superior de Deportes Consell Català de l'Esport - Generalitat de Catalunya Diputació de Lleida Ajuntament de la Seu d'Urgell Federació Catalana de Piragüisme Copyright Federaci�n Espa�ola de Pirag�ismo 2010