A fairly long but undemanding stroll through the Cabó
valley where we can enjoy its two main attractions: the landscape and
the megalithic constructions.
2h 40' |
26,8 Km |
580 m |
route has an attractive double.
a part, it will allow us to go for a very complete stroll by one of
the valleys with more personality of the region, the valley of Cabó.
By the other, along all the route we can contemplate up to six megalithic
monuments, six dolmens that are very well distributed by all the itinerary,
and they have sonorous and evocative names: Les Cobertrades, Colomera,
Serrat de Malpàs, Pedra - Cabana....
come out of Organyà to take the road of Cabó, and we will
turn as if we wanted to go to Montanissell, to take the track that follows
the old dirt road that united Organyà with Cabó, and that
passes through fields and forests where it is not strange to find some
deers. The dirt road dies in Cabó, but the route continues in
direction to west, by the track of "Cap de la Vall", where
we will find the dolmen of "Espluga del Molí de Favà"
and exceptionable views on the valley.
Of return to Cabó - and after having done a visit to the church
of "Sant Serni", installed above of a hill where we can have
a rest to replace strengths - we will go towards Organyà by the
asphalt road, from where we will be able to approach the two last dolmens
of the visit.